Food & Beverage Machinery

Complete automation solutions for food and beverage machinery

  • Meat & poultry machinery – Meat and poultry processing involves functions like cutting, skinning, de-boning, dicing, slicing, grinding, blending, tenderizing, and sausage and meatball forming. This product type includes blending and grinding, cutting and slicing, skinning and de-boning equipment, and complete flow lines.

  • Dairy machinery –  Equipment includes boosters, churning equipment, conveyors, crystallizers, dehydrators, evaporators, freezers, homogenizers, pasteurizers, pumps, reverse osmosis equipment, scraped surface heat exchangers, tanks, ultra filtration equipment, and complete flow lines.

  • Confectionary machineryEquipment for this product type includes extruders, enrobing and decorating machines, molders, tempering machines, and complete flow lines.

  • Beverage machineryEquipment for the processing of soft drinks, alcoholic drinks and drinks in general (excluding juice and dairy). This includes booster pumps, extruders and pumps, heat exchangers, homogenizers, presses, separators and mixers, tanks, and complete flow lines.

  • Bakery machineryProcessing equipment includes cutters and molders, dividers, dough makers, fryers, ovens, proofers and retarders, sheet rollers, and complete flow lines.

  • Fruit & vegetables machineryProcessing of fruit and vegetables involves shredding, slicing, grating, dicing and cutting. This product type includes blanchers and cookers, corers, huskers, peelers and splitters, pitters and destemmers, slicers and dicers, sorters, and complete flow lines

  • Seafood machineryThis includes processing all types of seafood and includes equipment for battering, breading, filleting, heading and gutting, mincing, skinning, stuffing, and frying, and complete flow lines.

  • Other machineryMachines for processing animal food, ready meals, grain, nuts, legumes, flour, coffee, fats, oils, salt and sugar
